
Almost There

Pathway to Independent Living

Individual care plan
Positive Outcome
Families Supported
of service users felt safe and secure whilst receiving their support
hours were given by 600 volunteers in the last year

What is Safe Space?

What is Safe Space?

SafeSpace is a Residential Family Centre for families and their children and expectant families. SafeSpace offers a range of services focusing on a robust range of assessments including the Parenting Assessment Framework, PAMS and ParentAssess.

SafeSpace will also offer community based assessments including a full range of assessments for parents who are not based in the residential model, Special Guardianship Assesssment, Kinship Carer and Connected Persons Assessment.   SafeSpace will support and encourage ongoing contact in line with recommended care plans and provide ongoing support and development of the family life story throughout their journey with the organisation.

Support you

SafeSpace staff will always embrace, support and promote each individual family’s heritage and identity and our values are based on a non judgmental approach to directly working with families.

Working Relationship

SafeSpace staff will always support the development of positive working relationships to ensure that there is a basis of trust and understanding between families and staff.

Updated Research

SafeSpace staff are regularly provided with access to updated research and whilst our key objective is to safeguard the child, we will utilise creativity, where possible and safe to do so, to develop relationships and skills that can, support a child remaining with their birth family.

Personal Tailored Plan

Each family will have a tailored care plan and relevant interventions that will support the family achieving their goals and specifically tailored towards their learning style and/or need.

Our Services

SafeSpace is an organisation that provides a safe, secure and therapeutic environment for vulnerable families where their backgrounds and chosen identity will be celebrated and supported throughout their journey.

SafeSpace is an organisation that provides a safe, secure and therapeutic environment for vulnerable families where their backgrounds and chosen identity will be celebrated and supported throughout their journey.  

What We Believe

The SafeSpace core objective is for each family to have every opportunity to participate, develop, achieve and be heard whilst they are safeguarded holistically during their journey.

This will be achieved by focusing upon the parents and children being at the centre of all planning and activities and sharing information and partnership working to support the development and outcome of the identified and individual care plan.

SafeSpace professionals’ ethos is based around the multi agency partnership model; SafeSpace staff will always work closely with and communicate effectively with a wide range of professionals to secure positive outcomes for parents and their children.
Know someone that’s been affects, let us know

Our Mission

SafeSpace foundations are based in the provision of positive outcomes for children and families whilst affording staff the opportunity to undertake relevant social work qualifications and therapeutic training.

SafeSpace is an organisation who has a holistic therapeutic approach to providing an assessment service.

SafeSpace staff will always embrace, support and promote each individual family’s heritage and identity and our values are based on a non judgmental approach to directly working with families.
The recent Care Review identified that a consistent theme whereby care experienced individuals felt that they would have benefited from long term mentoring/supportive relationships until they reached their majority and beyond.
SafeSpace will work extremely closely with all available professionals and families to support the development of long term relationships and support networks that will empower families and allow for secure growth in the future.

Each family will have every

opportunity to participate, develop,

achieve and to be heard.

Each family will have every opportunity to participate, develop, achieve and to be heard.

Individual Plan Promised

Individual Plan Promised

Regular informed meetings such as the weekly CatchPoint will provide the opportunity for individual care plans, risk assessments and individual safe care plans to be reviewed, updated and amended within a timely manner.  

SafeSpace will simultaneously offer a broad range of therapeutic services to parents and the family’s that will support the collective and individual needs of each parent and child.  This will be done by supporting providing access to relevant provisions including domestic abuse support, drug and alcohol support, parenting training support and creating relevant plans to meet any identified needs in partnership with the Local Authority. 